Chat log

EvilThingFAN: hello there evil friend >:3

Guest_peinakatsukii: hello >:)

EvilThingFAN: now...what's the plan?

Guest_peinakatsukii: hm...she'll probably scream and escape when she joins the i'll trick her and tell her that im on her team so she belives that...and then...o.o uh...i'll catch her?

EvilThingFAN: i can catch her and then you show that you're actually not on her team and then we can...torture her?

Guest_peinakatsukii: sounds good to me... XD

EvilThingFAN: she's online, should you or i inv. her?

Guest_peinakatsukii: decide :3

EvilThingFAN: ...i'll invite

sunshine0922 has joined the chat

EvilThingFAN: hi poopie :D

sunshine0922: haii poopie :D,, O_O oh shit -runs-

EvilThingFAN: -catches-


sunshine0922: -throws u away-

sunshine0922: -runs-

EvilThingFAN: -runs after u-

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:O wait for me -runs after sun-

sunshine0922: NO WAY!

Guest_peinakatsukii: but im on your team dumby!

sunshine0922: orly? >:o

EvilThingFAN: -takes a car and drives over you and...eats ur legs- o- o

EvilThingFAN: >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: yah >:O

sunshine0922: o. O

EvilThingFAN: -drives over pein too-

sunshine0922: -crawls away-

EvilThingFAN: AHHAHAH! >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: OW fuck D:< -throws car away-

EvilThingFAN: -starts to tickle both-

EvilThingFAN: -binds sun to a tree

-EvilThingFAN: -tickles-

EvilThingFAN: >:3

sunshine0922: :D -screams and laughs-

Guest_peinakatsukii: -helps evil- >:]

sunshine0922: D:< Whaaaa! u said u were on my team ass holeee> :OO

sunshine0922: >:O*

EvilThingFAN: -rips off ur clothes- o_ o

EvilThingFAN: now you have underwear XDD

EvilThingFAN: only O- o

sunshine0922: O_@ why did u do tht! >:O

EvilThingFAN: xDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: o.o -stares-

EvilThingFAN: for fun :3

sunshine0922: -kicks u both away-

EvilThingFAN: you dont have any legs, i ate them remember?

sunshine0922: -runs away- D< 

EvilThingFAN: >:D

sunshine0922: oh right...-has a car and drives away-

EvilThingFAN: how?

Guest_peinakatsukii: -runs faster than car- >:D

EvilThingFAN: you still dont have legs

EvilThingFAN: >:D

sunshine0922: O_ O wth -drives over pein- well...i have...arms

sunshine0922: and i have....uhm...

EvilThingFAN: -takes a sniper and shoots at the cars wheels

EvilThingFAN: :3

EvilThingFAN: -binds you again-

sunshine0922: -jumps out from car- :D weeeh

EvilThingFAN: >:D


EvilThingFAN: (btw, you cant jump without legs so wtf o-O)

Guest_peinakatsukii: -is laying under the car- >:l ...

sunshine0922: XDD HAHAHA! i jumped with my hands

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD haha

EvilThingFAN: -eats your hands and binds you-

EvilThingFAN: (again)

EvilThingFAN: :3

sunshine0922: -grows new hands- HA IN UR FACEEEEEEEEEE

EvilThingFAN: you're stick stuck to a tree - .-

EvilThingFAN: *still

EvilThingFAN: o- o

Guest_peinakatsukii: o_ o -crawls out from car- D:<

sunshine0922: yes...but...

sunshine0922: but...but...BUTT!

EvilThingFAN: but...? >:D

EvilThingFAN: xDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD hahaha butt

EvilThingFAN: -starts to torture-

EvilThingFAN: >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: ey this XD -rape face-

EvilThingFAN: -tickles everywhere until you pee into your pants- >:D

sunshine0922: AHHH!!!!!!!!! -kicks and screams-

EvilThingFAN: you dont have legs -. -

sunshine0922: -laughs while screaming- well i grew new legs XDD too...

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD not even close so dont worry....yet

EvilThingFAN: -gets zetsu and says to him to eat up your legs over and over-

sunshine0922: o. o

sunshine0922: yet...

EvilThingFAN: haha >D

sunshine0922: YET...OwO

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D

sunshine0922: o. o ....

EvilThingFAN: ahaha, zetsu power XDD

EvilThingFAN: this is why i wanted you to log into imvu >:D

EvilThingFAN: so that i and pein could team up against you and torture :3

sunshine0922: -sprays weed spray on zetsu- >:o ,, ooh.. >_>

Guest_peinakatsukii: :D exactly..

EvilThingFAN: where did you get that from?

sunshine0922: -mumbels- ass holes....well i had it in my shirt :D

EvilThingFAN: from ur pocket in the skirt?

EvilThingFAN: or shirt?

sunshine0922: no...SHIRT

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD hahah

EvilThingFAN: (it was onöy water, zetsu grows)

EvilThingFAN: *only

EvilThingFAN: o- o

sunshine0922: -punches zetsu in the face so he collapses- >:D there i go

EvilThingFAN: your arms are stuuuck :D

sunshine0922: was...saga XDD HAHAH

EvilThingFAN: -binds ur whole body-

Guest_peinakatsukii: saga?

EvilThingFAN: and only had underwear on u o- o

sunshine0922: (its our friend)

sunshine0922: XD

EvilThingFAN: i just remembered

EvilThingFAN: >:D

sunshine0922: well i had it in my hair then....

EvilThingFAN: chainsaw97=saga

EvilThingFAN: -shaves ur hair and writes "i was here" on ur head-

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD,, oh :3i dont know her

sunshine0922: -crys- my hair D':

EvilThingFAN: xDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: :O

Guest_peinakatsukii: aww XD

EvilThingFAN: aww, you look like a baby :3

Guest_peinakatsukii: -glues her hair back- :D there

EvilThingFAN: with...scarifying on ur head (forgot to tell that i wrote "i was here" with a knife o- o)

EvilThingFAN: haha XD

sunshine0922 has left the chat

Guest_peinakatsukii: o. o

EvilThingFAN: that was fun but...she left >(

Guest_peinakatsukii: D:< awwz..

EvilThingFAN: she sais her internet is laggin

Guest_peinakatsukii: oh XD haha

EvilThingFAN: what should we do next then? >:3

Guest_peinakatsukii: hm...

Guest_peinakatsukii: uhm :D something...horrible?

EvilThingFAN: more thing, she is going to try team up with, we have to do it before her >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: hm...but she isnt online...and i think she wont be online the middle of the night XD hehe you know the time zones are a bit

EvilThingFAN: ...i dont have her on my friend list, maybe you could send her a message?

Guest_peinakatsukii: okay...:3

EvilThingFAN: hahaha, sun is going to hate me for this xDDD

sunshine0922 has joined the chat

EvilThingFAN: -binds sun-

Guest_peinakatsukii: >8D


Guest_peinakatsukii: X'D ha..ha

EvilThingFAN: cant cheat if ur evil >:D

sunshine0922: yuh huuuh

EvilThingFAN: cheating means...nothing to me, i do whatever i want to :D

sunshine0922: nuh hhuuh -eats rope then escapes-

Guest_peinakatsukii: o_ o -tackles her-

EvilThingFAN: (its chains)

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D mwhaah i win!

EvilThingFAN: >:3

sunshine0922: i can eat whatever i want to >:O XDD lmao

EvilThingFAN: (your teeths falls out-

EvilThingFAN: haha >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD do you remember what i told you about...lmao?

EvilThingFAN: o- o

sunshine0922: ...oh right

sunshine0922: ew... XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD HAhaha

EvilThingFAN: who? what? whut? eh? O- o

Guest_peinakatsukii: lmao = lick me all over

EvilThingFAN: o- o

sunshine0922: XD

EvilThingFAN: ....


Guest_peinakatsukii: XDD haha

EvilThingFAN: sun wants to be lickraped it seems xDD

sunshine0922: NO WHAT!!! NO NO NO!!

EvilThingFAN: -runs away and hides and laughs like a mental freak-

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

sunshine0922: -rips out baseball bat out of my hair and beats pein with it- U SHOULDNT HAD SAID THAT!

Guest_peinakatsukii: O_ O WAAH -grabs baseball bat- XD

EvilThingFAN: -runds and tackles away sun-

EvilThingFAN: we're co-op remember ^^

Guest_peinakatsukii: -destroys baseball bat- :3

EvilThingFAN: -bind her again-

sunshine0922: D< -throws evil down in a river-

sunshine0922: i can still eat the rope >:D

EvilThingFAN: -becomes a shark, swims up and bites sun-

Guest_peinakatsukii: -pours poison on the rope- :] now u wont eat it

EvilThingFAN: o- o

EvilThingFAN: -turns back-

sunshine0922: o. o ....aww

EvilThingFAN: o- o

EvilThingFAN: ....

EvilThingFAN: AHAHHA! >:D

EvilThingFAN: -points at sun and laughs-

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D hehe...

sunshine0922: -.- ....ha..ha u just wait..

Guest_peinakatsukii: :D -rape face-

EvilThingFAN: (your underwear has fallen off) -looks away-

sunshine0922: NOO NAW NAW NOO -poofs of smoke-

Guest_peinakatsukii: D< aww...-looks around-

sunshine0922: >:D -is in china dissguised as a chinese person-

EvilThingFAN: -takes heatvision and gives to pein-

Guest_peinakatsukii: -eats it- XD

EvilThingFAN: wtf XD

sunshine0922: -sits on a roof eating noodles-

EvilThingFAN: you're supposed to find sun with it -. o

EvilThingFAN: -steals an airplane- hurry, we have to get sun!

Guest_peinakatsukii: ooh...but shes in china...-takes a plane to china- >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

sunshine0922: -while ur on ur way to china i escape to usa- XDDD

EvilThingFAN: -flies to china and catches sun and binds her-

EvilThingFAN: wtf -. o

Guest_peinakatsukii: D:< wth -runs to usa and catches her-

sunshine0922: O. o how the hell? -confused-

EvilThingFAN: -teleports to sun and binds her-

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: -tapes your mouth-

sunshine0922: >:o what do u want!! -angry face- D:<

sunshine0922: >:X

EvilThingFAN: (with ultrasupermegatapethatcantbeeaten)

EvilThingFAN: :D

Guest_peinakatsukii: X'D i want some of that tape...

sunshine0922: O_ o

EvilThingFAN: do ur thing pein...-looks away and laughs-

Guest_peinakatsukii: >8D MWHAHA -rape face-

EvilThingFAN: -gives pein some tape-

sunshine0922: NOOOO DONT DO IT!!! NUH NYYYUUU!!! NO

Guest_peinakatsukii: -smiles evily walking slowly closer-

sunshine0922: NDAKJnksafndioal!!! DX -puppy eyes-

EvilThingFAN: ..taperape? pokerape? lickrape? -looks away-

EvilThingFAN: xDDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: :O -stares- no way....i wont fall for the puppy face >:D mwhaha,, hm...i dont know....what rape

sunshine0922: D< NONE OF THEM NO RAPE PLZ!

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: poop?tape?normal?poke?pee?...o- o

EvilThingFAN: XDDD

EvilThingFAN: xDD

EvilThingFAN: lickrape?

Guest_peinakatsukii: o.e hm...lick rape? XDDD HAHAH

EvilThingFAN: that what sun wanted earlier xDD

EvilThingFAN: AHHAHAHAH!!! -looks away-

sunshine0922: WHAAAATT -dramatic music- DUN DUN DUUUUUN

EvilThingFAN: -mental face-

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

sunshine0922: NUUUUH SHOW MERCYYY!!! D: waahaa..

EvilThingFAN: -tapes ur tongue so that u cant speak-

EvilThingFAN: xDD

sunshine0922: blahaaahaha -trys to speak-

EvilThingFAN: hahah XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD :D RAPE!! -lick rapes her-

sunshine0922: DX BLAAAHH!!! D<

EvilThingFAN: -looks away and laughs-

EvilThingFAN: ahaha XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: six different rapeways now sun XDD

sunshine0922: >_<

EvilThingFAN: ahahha xDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XDDD

EvilThingFAN: -takes away thounguetape so that you can speak- i want to hear >:D

sunshine0922: ehh...

Guest_peinakatsukii: ass hole?, duche bag,, fuck face?

EvilThingFAN: (music too my ears) :3

EvilThingFAN: xDDD

sunshine0922: ...hmm fuck face yah thats a good one

sunshine0922: XDD

EvilThingFAN: i have betrade you sun...xDDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD haha

EvilThingFAN: ahaha.... >:D

sunshine0922: D:< -throws a shoe at evil-

EvilThingFAN: -eats the shoe

EvilThingFAN: o- o

Guest_peinakatsukii: :3 hm you get raped...alot

EvilThingFAN: haha XDD

sunshine0922: yes...thanks for reminding me...D<

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD hehe your welcome ahah

EvilThingFAN: -rolls on floor in pain of the laughing-

Guest_peinakatsukii: X'DD


EvilThingFAN: x','D

sunshine0922: -kicks pein away and runs- >:O -puts on clothes while runing-

Guest_peinakatsukii: Ow! D:<

sunshine0922: o.o'

EvilThingFAN: -rips the clothes off again while ur running- o- o

Guest_peinakatsukii: -chases her- >:3

EvilThingFAN: -takes a lasso and catches sun-

EvilThingFAN: haha :S

EvilThingFAN: *:D

sunshine0922: O_O' -eats lasso-

sunshine0922: -jumps down in a river and hides somewhere-

EvilThingFAN: (i have taped the lasso)

EvilThingFAN: :D

sunshine0922: -eats evil too-

sunshine0922: XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: -looks down in river- >:o

EvilThingFAN: o- o

sunshine0922: >:3 heehe...

EvilThingFAN: -eats my way out of you stomach-

sunshine0922: -jumps up and smacks pein as hard as i can with my baseball bat- :D

Guest_peinakatsukii: O3O ...Ow....

EvilThingFAN: -tackles sun-

EvilThingFAN: -binds with my tape-

EvilThingFAN: :D

sunshine0922: D:< WHY am i always...uuuhhh?? ehh....

Guest_peinakatsukii: the victim?

sunshine0922: YES!

EvilThingFAN: xDDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD well...

EvilThingFAN: haha, because....o- o

sunshine0922: well? >:l,, because?

Guest_peinakatsukii: uuhm...o. o

EvilThingFAN: ehm...(maybe you should answer this pein...)

EvilThingFAN: because you like it! >:D


sunshine0922: NO!! now ur acting like kitten >_<

EvilThingFAN: haha ;D

Guest_peinakatsukii: haha i wont forget what she said

sunshine0922: oh that really creepy thing...

EvilThingFAN: xD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XDDD wasnt creepy it was fun

sunshine0922: no >:O

EvilThingFAN: yeah, even though i heard my friend being lickraped is stupid to say i enjoyed it?`o-o

sunshine0922: Yes!

Guest_peinakatsukii: no XD

EvilThingFAN: ok, no is iiiis :D

sunshine0922: -smacks pein-

Guest_peinakatsukii: :D

EvilThingFAN: -binds your arms-

sunshine0922: >:o but i wanna smaaack ppl

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD hahah

EvilThingFAN: well, but now u caaant! AHHAHA! >:D

sunshine0922: >:o -kicks u-

EvilThingFAN: -bind your legs too-

Guest_peinakatsukii: -tapes her feet togheter- :3

sunshine0922: DX

EvilThingFAN: -tapes your hair- (its like medusa hair o- o creepy hair that lives)

sunshine0922: o. o

EvilThingFAN: xD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XDD

EvilThingFAN: and she have everything in it too XD

EvilThingFAN: a bus for an example

sunshine0922: >:o nuh huh not...everything

Guest_peinakatsukii: XDD HAHA a bus?!

EvilThingFAN: yeah XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: how the hell did you get a bus in there? XD

sunshine0922: >:O no comments! XD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: for escaping rape ppl like you, pein XD

EvilThingFAN: haha, kinda big hair o- o

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

sunshine0922: -sleeps while eating a cookie-

Guest_peinakatsukii: -watches- o. o i wish i could do that...

sunshine0922: -talks while sleeping- BUT YOU CANT HAAAHAHAH!!

EvilThingFAN: -tapes suns mouth and eats her cookie-

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:o do you wanna get raped again?

EvilThingFAN: :D

EvilThingFAN: :3

sunshine0922: O_ O nuh!

EvilThingFAN: omnom ^^

EvilThingFAN: cookierape maybe?

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D better behave...

EvilThingFAN: -gives pein a cookie-

sunshine0922: o. o

Guest_peinakatsukii: -eats it- :>

EvilThingFAN: xD

sunshine0922: :I

EvilThingFAN: -gives pein an entire box of cookies with atleast a hundred in it-

EvilThingFAN: its just to annoy sun, you dont have to rape XDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D awesome -eats 50% of the cookies- :D

sunshine0922: -is in happy land- :D laa laaaaa laa

sunshine0922: @_@ happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Guest_peinakatsukii: -stares- o. o


Guest_peinakatsukii: >:D -joins happy land-

EvilThingFAN: -joins too-

EvilThingFAN: -binds sun in happyland-

EvilThingFAN: :D


EvilThingFAN: -binds entire body including her mouth-

sunshine0922: NOT PERVY AND EVIL!!!! D:<

EvilThingFAN: xDDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD well to bad for you that we intruded then...

sunshine0922: D:<

EvilThingFAN: for us its happy, you joined the wrong land i guess :3

EvilThingFAN: or maybe, you're not supposed to be happy XDDDD

EvilThingFAN: :3

EvilThingFAN: -being happy-

sunshine0922: so you..mean pervy and evil is happy land D:< -escapes "happy land"-

EvilThingFAN: -goes back to rl-

sunshine0922: hm...candyland! -escapes to candyland- :D - hides somewhere and eats candy-

EvilThingFAN: -joind candyland and binds suns entire bode and tapes her mouth and starts to eat candy-

EvilThingFAN: *joins

Guest_peinakatsukii: -rolls around in candyland- :D

sunshine0922: >:l -chews on a lollipop- :3

Guest_peinakatsukii: -eats suns shoe- :3

sunshine0922: o. o >:O my shoe!

EvilThingFAN: your mouth and arms and your entire body is covered with tape remember?

Guest_peinakatsukii: :D

EvilThingFAN: xD

sunshine0922: -stares evily at evil- >:l

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: xD

EvilThingFAN: -starres back and then walks to a lollipoptree and starts eating-

sunshine0922: -sleeps- >:D

EvilThingFAN: -slaps you until you wake up and eats some more candy-

EvilThingFAN: :3

sunshine0922: -is still sleeping- >:D

Guest_peinakatsukii: -pokes suns bewb with a stick- >X3

EvilThingFAN: -takes a whale and throws at sun-

sunshine0922: -wakes up and stares evily at pein- D:<

EvilThingFAN: o- o

EvilThingFAN: :D

EvilThingFAN: -removes the whale- awake? :3

sunshine0922: yah >:O

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: xDD

EvilThingFAN: -rips of the tape from..private places- there u go pein

EvilThingFAN: :D

EvilThingFAN: ahahhaXDD

sunshine0922: O_O' u alredy raped me hehe dont do it -smiles retarded-

Guest_peinakatsukii: O. O hm...

Guest_peinakatsukii: P:< well...-smiles evily-

EvilThingFAN: XDDD

sunshine0922: AWW IM SCREWED D:<

Guest_peinakatsukii: XDD hahah

EvilThingFAN: there u go sun :D

sunshine0922: D:<

EvilThingFAN: -laughs-

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD should i rape :3

sunshine0922: >_<' duche...

EvilThingFAN: stickrape, taperape, peerape? o- o

EvilThingFAN: xDD

EvilThingFAN: ehm... flowerrape?

EvilThingFAN: shoerape?

sunshine0922: none of those >:O plz.... (i prefer NO RAPE AT ALL)

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD hm..

Guest_peinakatsukii: crap i have to leave soon... DX

EvilThingFAN: rainbowrape? i dont know how the hell to do that but...

EvilThingFAN: xDDDD

Guest_peinakatsukii: rainbow rape XDD HAHA

sunshine0922: :D that rape right,, XDD rainbow rape?

Guest_peinakatsukii: yes i'll rape you before i have to leave...

sunshine0922: aww..

sunshine0922: DX

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD

EvilThingFAN: or that he rapes you with your rainbow clothes

sunshine0922: o. o

EvilThingFAN: ...hotdogrape?

Guest_peinakatsukii: damn,, D: -rapes her- i have to go now D:< ...

EvilThingFAN: crap...i gtg too o- o

sunshine0922: DX wahah,,, oh :o baii

Guest_peinakatsukii: XD cya XDDDD

EvilThingFAN: bye every1 :D

sunshine0922: baii XD

EvilThingFAN: evil friend and rapevictim :D

EvilThingFAN: xDDD

sunshine0922: >:O hej då XD

EvilThingFAN: hejdå >:D


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